Kvetha Fricaya! Greetings Friends! And Happy Holidays to you and your families! Ive finally returned home from my tour across the United States and Canada. Wow! What an amazing experience. I couldnt have asked for a better way to say goodbye to Inheritance and to the series as a whole. Ive always been impressed by the response of readers to my events, but this time the amount of excitement, dedication, and devotion for the Inheritance cycle really blew me away. During the tour, fans gave me both an ostrich and an emu egg, battle-patches from Afghanistan, pictures, drawings, and marriage proposals. I signed swords and dragons, books and posters. And I even had one young woman faint during one of my readings (a first for me). What really got to me, though, was hearing from so many different people who have been deeply touched by the books. I cant tell you how much that means to me. Now that Im back, all I can say is, Thank you! Thank you for supporting the series. Thank you for showing up at the events, and thank you for your enthusiasm for the series. Also, thanks to the many booksellers, librarians, and folks from Random House who made this tour possible. For those of you who have already read Inheritance, you may be interested in reading the interview that I did with Mike from shurtugal.com wherein I discuss many of the questions readers have had about the end of the story. Be forewarned, there are spoilers galore. Click here to read the interview. So, what does the future hold for me? Well, Im going to rest a bit, and then Ill choose one of the many stories that have been bouncing around my head for the past ten years and dive into it. That said, I am going to be heading to Europe for more events during the spring of next year, and I may visit a couple of other places too. In the meantime, I wish you the very best for the end of the year and the beginning of the new one. Atra esternĂ ono thelduin. Christopher Paolini |
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