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Get a t-shirt of "Fafnir"
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Volsung Cycle
Volsunga saga
Poetic Edda
Norna-Gests þáttr
Helgi Hundingsbane
Hagbard and Signy
Volsunga saga
Poetic Edda
Norna-Gests þáttr
Helgi Hundingsbane
Hagbard and Signy
In Norse mythology, Fáfnir (Old Norse) or Frænir (Faroese) was a son of the dwarf king Hreidmar and brother of Regin and Ótr. In the Volsunga saga, Fáfnir was a dwarf gifted with a powerful arm and fearless soul. He wore the Aegis helmet and guarded his father's house of glittering gold and flashing gems. He was the strongest and most aggressive of the three brothers. After Otr was killed by Loki, Hreidmar received the cursed gold of Andvari's as repayment for the loss of his son. Fáfnir and Regin then killed their father to get the gold, but Fáfnir decided he wanted it all, turning into a dragon (symbol of greed). Regin then sent his foster-son, Sigurd, to kill the dragon. Sigurd succeeded by digging a pit under the trail Fáfnir used to walk to a stream and plunging his sword Gram into his heart as he walked past. Regin, however, corrupted by the curse on Andvari's gold, planned to kill Sigurd to take the treasure for himself, but Sigurd, having eaten part of Fáfnir's cooked heart, was warned by birds of Regin's attack and ended up killing him. As Fafner, he is featured in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, although he began life as a giant rather than a dwarf, before once again turning into a dragon to better guard the gold. Some versions of the myth are more specific about Fafnir's treasure horde, mentioning the swords Ridill and Hrotti as part of it.

The Völsung Cycle is the name of a series of Germanic legends based on the same matter as Niebelungenlied, and which were recorded in medieval Iceland...... Click the link for more information.
Völsunga saga is a late 13th century Icelandic prose rendition of the origin and decline of the Volsung clan (including the story of Sigurd and Brynhild..... Click the link for more information.
The Poetic Edda is a collection of Old Norse poems primarily preserved in the Icelandic mediaeval manuscript Codex Regius...... Click the link for more information.
Norna-Gests þáttr or the Story of Norna-Gest is a legendary saga about the Norse hero Norna-Gest...... Click the link for more information.
Andvarinaut was a magical ring, first owned by Andvari.The ring was acquired deceitfully from Andvari by Loki...... Click the link for more information.
Gram was the name of the sword that Sigurd (Siegfried) used to kill the dragon Fafnir. It was forged by Weyland The Smith and originally belonged to his father,..... Click the link for more information.
Andvari was a dwarf who lived underneath a waterfall and had the power to change himself into a fish at will...... Click the link for more information.
Hreidmar was the avaricious king of the dwarf folk, who captured three gods with his unbreakable chains. He was father of Fafnir, Ótr and Regin...... Click the link for more information.
OTR and Otr may refer to:
Off-the-record messaging, an instant messenger encryption technology
Ótr, a dwarf in Norse mythology
..... Click the link for more information.
Regin was the son of Hreidmar and foster father of Sigurd. Regin had all wisdom and deftness of hand...... Click the link for more information.
Vǫlsung was murdered by the Geatish king Siggeir and avenged by one of his sons, Sigmund. Vǫlsung was the common ancestor of the ill-fortuned clan of..... Click the link for more information.
Sigmund was a hero whose story is told in Volsunga saga. He and his sister, Signy, are the children of Volsung...... Click the link for more information.
Signy is the name of two heroines in two connected legends from Scandinavian mythology which were very popular in medieval Scandinavia...... Click the link for more information.
Sinfjötli (in Old Norse) or Fitela (in Anglo-Saxon) in Norse mythology was born out of the incestuous relationship between Sigmund and his sister Signy...... Click the link for more information.
Helgi Hundingsbane was a hero in the Norse sagas, who appears in the Volsunga saga and in two lays in the Poetic Edda named ..... Click the link for more information.
Sigurd (Old Norse: Sigurðr, German: Siegfried) was a legendary hero of Norse mythology, as well as the central character in the Völsunga saga...... Click the link for more information.
Gudrun, who is called Kriemhild in the Nibelungenlied, was the sister of Gunnar. She was also one of the valkyries...... Click the link for more information.
Hunaland and its people are mentioned several times in the Poetic Edda, and in the Fornaldarsagas...... Click the link for more information.
The Nibelungenlied is an epic poem in Middle High German. It tells the story of dragon-slayer Siegfried at the court of the Burgundians, and of his wife's..... Click the link for more information.
Hagbard and Signy (Signe) (the Viking Age) or Habor and Sign(h)ild..... Click the link for more information.
Norse, Scandinavian or Germanic mythology comprises the pre-Christian religion, beliefs and legends of the Scandinavian people, including those who..... Click the link for more information.
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode. See IPA chart for English for an English-based pronunciation key...... Click the link for more information.
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode. See IPA chart for English for an English-based pronunciation key...... Click the link for more information.
In Norse mythology, the dwarves (Old Norse: dvergar, sing. dvergr) are highly significant entities associated with stones, the underground and forging...... Click the link for more information.
Hreidmar was the avaricious king of the dwarf folk, who captured three gods with his unbreakable chains. He was father of Fafnir, Ótr and Regin...... Click the link for more information.
Regin was the son of Hreidmar and foster father of Sigurd. Regin had all wisdom and deftness of hand...... Click the link for more information.
Ótr (alternately: Ott, Oter, Otr, Ottar, Ottarr, Otter) is a dwarf...... Click the link for more information.
Völsunga saga is a late 13th century Icelandic prose rendition of the origin and decline of the Volsung clan (including the story of Sigurd and Brynhild..... Click the link for more information.
ægis (Greek Αιγίς), in the Iliad, is the shield or buckler of Zeus, which according to Homer was fashioned for him by Hephaestus,..... Click the link for more information.
OTR and Otr may refer to:
Off-the-record messaging, an instant messenger encryption technology
Ótr, a dwarf in Norse mythology
..... Click the link for more information.
Sources=Sources 128
This article is copied from an article on Wikipedia® - the free encyclopedia created and edited by online user community. The text was not checked or edited by anyone on our staff. Although the vast majority of the Wikipedia® encyclopedia articles provide accurate and timely information please do not assume the accuracy of any particular article. This article is distributed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License.
Völsunga saga is a late 13th century Icelandic prose rendition of the origin and decline of the Volsung clan (including the story of Sigurd and Brynhild..... Click the link for more information.
The Poetic Edda is a collection of Old Norse poems primarily preserved in the Icelandic mediaeval manuscript Codex Regius...... Click the link for more information.
Norna-Gests þáttr or the Story of Norna-Gest is a legendary saga about the Norse hero Norna-Gest...... Click the link for more information.
Andvarinaut was a magical ring, first owned by Andvari.The ring was acquired deceitfully from Andvari by Loki...... Click the link for more information.
Gram was the name of the sword that Sigurd (Siegfried) used to kill the dragon Fafnir. It was forged by Weyland The Smith and originally belonged to his father,..... Click the link for more information.
Andvari was a dwarf who lived underneath a waterfall and had the power to change himself into a fish at will...... Click the link for more information.
Hreidmar was the avaricious king of the dwarf folk, who captured three gods with his unbreakable chains. He was father of Fafnir, Ótr and Regin...... Click the link for more information.
OTR and Otr may refer to:
Off-the-record messaging, an instant messenger encryption technology
Ótr, a dwarf in Norse mythology
..... Click the link for more information.
Regin was the son of Hreidmar and foster father of Sigurd. Regin had all wisdom and deftness of hand...... Click the link for more information.
Vǫlsung was murdered by the Geatish king Siggeir and avenged by one of his sons, Sigmund. Vǫlsung was the common ancestor of the ill-fortuned clan of..... Click the link for more information.
Sigmund was a hero whose story is told in Volsunga saga. He and his sister, Signy, are the children of Volsung...... Click the link for more information.
Signy is the name of two heroines in two connected legends from Scandinavian mythology which were very popular in medieval Scandinavia...... Click the link for more information.
Sinfjötli (in Old Norse) or Fitela (in Anglo-Saxon) in Norse mythology was born out of the incestuous relationship between Sigmund and his sister Signy...... Click the link for more information.
Helgi Hundingsbane was a hero in the Norse sagas, who appears in the Volsunga saga and in two lays in the Poetic Edda named ..... Click the link for more information.
Sigurd (Old Norse: Sigurðr, German: Siegfried) was a legendary hero of Norse mythology, as well as the central character in the Völsunga saga...... Click the link for more information.
Gudrun, who is called Kriemhild in the Nibelungenlied, was the sister of Gunnar. She was also one of the valkyries...... Click the link for more information.
Hunaland and its people are mentioned several times in the Poetic Edda, and in the Fornaldarsagas...... Click the link for more information.
The Nibelungenlied is an epic poem in Middle High German. It tells the story of dragon-slayer Siegfried at the court of the Burgundians, and of his wife's..... Click the link for more information.
Hagbard and Signy (Signe) (the Viking Age) or Habor and Sign(h)ild..... Click the link for more information.
Norse, Scandinavian or Germanic mythology comprises the pre-Christian religion, beliefs and legends of the Scandinavian people, including those who..... Click the link for more information.
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode. See IPA chart for English for an English-based pronunciation key...... Click the link for more information.
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode. See IPA chart for English for an English-based pronunciation key...... Click the link for more information.
In Norse mythology, the dwarves (Old Norse: dvergar, sing. dvergr) are highly significant entities associated with stones, the underground and forging...... Click the link for more information.
Hreidmar was the avaricious king of the dwarf folk, who captured three gods with his unbreakable chains. He was father of Fafnir, Ótr and Regin...... Click the link for more information.
Regin was the son of Hreidmar and foster father of Sigurd. Regin had all wisdom and deftness of hand...... Click the link for more information.
Ótr (alternately: Ott, Oter, Otr, Ottar, Ottarr, Otter) is a dwarf...... Click the link for more information.
Völsunga saga is a late 13th century Icelandic prose rendition of the origin and decline of the Volsung clan (including the story of Sigurd and Brynhild..... Click the link for more information.
ægis (Greek Αιγίς), in the Iliad, is the shield or buckler of Zeus, which according to Homer was fashioned for him by Hephaestus,..... Click the link for more information.
OTR and Otr may refer to:
Off-the-record messaging, an instant messenger encryption technology
Ótr, a dwarf in Norse mythology
..... Click the link for more information.
Sources=Sources 128
This article is copied from an article on Wikipedia® - the free encyclopedia created and edited by online user community. The text was not checked or edited by anyone on our staff. Although the vast majority of the Wikipedia® encyclopedia articles provide accurate and timely information please do not assume the accuracy of any particular article. This article is distributed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License.
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